USCA President

 USCA President Arthur St. Clair

Continued from Home Page

1787 marked a pivotal year in United States history, with the United States in Congress Assembled (USCA) convening in New York City under challenging circumstances. Only eight states were present, reflecting the ongoing struggles of the young nation. After extensive deliberation, the delegates elected Major-General Arthur St. Clair as President of the USCA on February 2, 1787.  

Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress, notified the five states lacking representation of St. Clair's election. These states were New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.

St. Clair's selection was based on several key factors:

  1. Military Experience: He had served with distinction in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, rising to the rank of major general1.
  2. Crisis Management: St. Clair had previously helped resolve a mutiny against the Third USCA in Philadelphia in 1783, demonstrating his ability to handle difficult situations.
  3. Political Connections: He had close personal ties to George Washington, the former Commander-in-Chief, which was seen as an asset.

These qualities were deemed essential by the delegates to lead the nation during a time of civilian crisis. His  presidency came at a critical juncture, with the six-year-old federal government struggling to maintain cohesion among the states.  The election  marked a pivotal moment in American history, though its significance is often overlooked. This date would prove to be a turning point for the young nation, setting in motion events that would transform a struggling confederation into a robust federal republic.

St. Clair's presidency coincided with a critical period in American history. The nation was grappling with Shays' Rebellion, interstate disputes, and a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation. During his tenure, the USCA enacted the Northwest Ordinance, one of the most important pieces of legislation in early American history. Simultaneously, the Philadelphia Convention was convened, leading to the drafting of the United States Constitution.

Interestingly, February 2nd has taken on a different significance in Western Pennsylvania, St. Clair's adopted home region. Since 1841, this date has been celebrated as Groundhog Day, centered around the emergence of Punxsutawney Phil from his burrow. This tradition, while seemingly unrelated, shares the same date as St. Clair's election to the presidency of the USCA.

The connection between St. Clair's election and Groundhog Day is largely coincidental and not widely recognized. However, it provides a unique lens through which to view the evolution of American cultural and political traditions. While Punxsutawney Phil draws national attention every February 2nd, few are aware of the date's significance in the founding era of the United States.

This juxtaposition of a pivotal political moment with a beloved folk tradition underscores the complex tapestry of American history and culture. It serves as a reminder of how historical events can be overshadowed or transformed in the popular imagination over time.

After St. Clair’s election, the USCA ordered a report on 1787 fiscal estimates, adopted the report of committee on delegate qualifications, and poured over the mountain of accumulated treasury and war office reports. On February 14th nine states were represented for the first time in three months permitting the enactment of laws and resolutions binding all thirteen states. The USCA spent almost the entire day debating, reorganizing and drafting:

An Ordinance for regulating the Post Office of the United States of America. Whereas the communication of intelligence with regularity and dispatch, from one part to another of these United States, is essentially requisite to the safety as well as the commercial interest thereof; and the United States in Congress assembled, being by the articles of confederation, vested with the sole and exclusive right and power of establishing and regulating Post Offices throughout all the United States; and whereas it is become necessary to revise the several regulations heretofore made, relating to the Post Office, and reduce them to one act.[23]

The following day Congress authorized the postmaster general to contract for mail delivery and then turned to debating the Annapolis Convention’s recommendations for revising the Constitution of 1777.  

On February 19th, Congress elected Lambert Cadwalader of New Jersey USCA Chairman because President St. Clair was not present. On February 21, 1787 Chairman Cadwalader presided over the USCA while it considered the report of the Annapolis Convention, which was a "Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government."  James Madison wrote:

The Report of the Convention at Annapolis in September 1786 had been long under consideration of a Committee of the Congress for the last year; and was referred over to a Grand Committee of the present year. The latter Committee after considerable difficulty and discussion, agreed on a report by a majority of one only, which was made a few days ago to Congress and set down as the order for this day. The Report coincided with the opinion held at Annapolis that the Confederation needed amendments and that the proposed Convention was the most eligible means of affecting them. The objections which seemed to prevail against the recommendation of the Convention by Congress were with some. That it tended to weaken the federal authority by lending its sanction to an extra-constitutional mode of proceeding with others 2. that the interposition of Congress would be considered by the jealous as betraying an ambitious wish to get power into their hands by any plan whatever that might present itself … All agreed & owned that the federal Govt. in its existing shape was inefficient & could not last long. The members from the Southern & middle States seemed generally anxious for some republican organization of the System which wd. preserve the Union and give due energy to the Government. [24]

     The USCA formally tweaked and then approved the New York Delegation’s resolution calling for a Philadelphia Convention at Independence Hall to revise the Articles of Confederation beginning in the 2nd week of May 1787.

Resolved that in the opinion of Congress it is expedient that on the second Monday in May next a Convention of delegates who shall have been appointed by the several States be held at Philadelphia for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation and reporting to Congress and the several legislatures such alterations and provisions therein as shall when agreed to in Congress and confirmed by the States render the federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of Government and the preservation of the Union. [25]

This USCA resolution, marked a pivotal moment in early American history. It effectively marked the beginning of the end for the original governing document of the United States, the Articles of Confederation, and its associated governmental structure.

one of the most important in United States History marked the beginning of the end of the Articles of Confederation and its national government.

Just after the passage of the Philadelphia Convention resolution, Congress received this communication for the State of Massachusetts:

The delegates of Massachusetts in Obedience to the Instructions of the legislature of that Commonwealth and to the end that their constituents may claim and possess all the benefits and advantages to which by the articles of Confederation and perpetual Union they are or may be entitled, represent to the United States in Congress assembled the information contained in the three subjoined papers;   1 Being the speech of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the general court thereof;   2. The reply of the general court to the speech of the Governor;   3. The declaration of a rebellion within that commonwealth and the said delegates in conformity with the instructions of their constituents farther represent to the United States in Congress assembled that the legislature of Massachusetts are firmly persuaded that by far the greater part of the citizens of that commonwealth are well affected to the government thereof and that there is the highest probability by the blessing of Almighty God that the present rebellion will be speedily suppressed. The said legislature confiding that had it been necessary the firmest support and most effectual aid would have been afforded by the United States to that Commonwealth for putting an end to the insurrections and rebellion which have happened within the same, such support and aid being expressly and solemnly stipulated by the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union.

The report, fully published in the March 9th, 1787 USCA Journals went on to inform the President that the insurrection was crushed,  Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court sentenced fourteen of the rebellion's leaders, including Shays, to death for treason. Only two men, John Bly and Charles Rose of Berkshire County, were hung for their part in the Rebellion as the others, including Shays’ case were held under review. 

What occurred a month earlier was that General Shepard's militia, numbering 1200 men, reached the Springfield Arsenal before Shay’s forces on January 25th.  The Rebellion’s forces were split on either side of the river due to miscommunication between Daniel Shays and Luke Day who wrote the leader he was unable to reach the Arsenal until January 26th. The message was never received and 1,400 men, led by Captain Daniel Shays, advanced on the Arsenal a day early.

It was bitterly cold and the Arsenal barracks, as well as the arms, embolden Shays’ men to challenge Shepard’s militia. General Lincoln’s 4,000 man Army, marching from Boston, had not arrived as Shays had predicted.  It was therefore up to General Shepard’s forces, armed with the federal arsenal’s muskets, ammunition, and two canons, to prevent Shays' column from taking the take the Arsenal.

The general’s first move was to send out an officer requesting Shays’ men disband but they continued to march towards the arsenal believing their fellow citizens would not fire on their neighbors. Shepard ordered the canons to fire warning shots above the heads of the advancing column but again they failed to disperse.  The order was given to fire directly into the approaching army "at waistband height." Several rounds of cannonballs and grapeshot were ablazed into the center of the rebellion, killing three men and wounding two dozen. Crying "Murder," with no musket fire from either side, Shays’ forces fled north. Luke Day, whose forces were still across the River disbanded and headed north.   This action ended Shays Rebellion.

In New York, with the rebellion crushed, the USCA turned their attention back to the west and the opportunities for raising revenue though land sales of the new Territory.  Congress understood that the Ohio River was navigable to the Mississippi opening up trade routes to New Orleans and the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  A Spanish treaty for free and uninhibited access to the Mississippi Delta meant new business development for the Northwest Territory who lands bordered the Ohio and the mighty Mississippi rivers.  This marked increase in land acquisition applications and eventually, the USCA’s land would greatly increase in value.

The Spanish Treaty was followed up with yet another foreign accomplishment by Secretary John Jay’s establishment of a consul at Lisbon, Portugal:

Jay's report had been prompted by a February 20 letter from the American agent at Madiera, John Marsden Pintard. Pintard, who had been on leave in New York and was on the point of returning to Madiera, had recommended that Congress extend his "Agency" to include the port of Lisbon, adding that he would serve there, as he had in Madeira, without "any pecuniary Compensation or salary." Although expressing a preference for having "a Resident or Minister with consular Powers" at Lisbon, Jay essentially endorsed Pintard's recommendation, and Congress resolved March 13 "That a commercial Agent to reside at the Port of Lisbon be appointed. [26]

No appointment was made because Congress' had yet to settle the claims of the former United States agent at Lisbon during the war.  Arnold Henry Dohrman, who had fronted over $25,000 on behalf of captive Americans brought into Portuguese ports during the War, had yet to be reimbursed four years later. The USCA Journals report that the day set for the election of the new Lisbon Minister, “March 19, was also the date the board of treasury submitted its report on Dohrman's claims, but its recommendations were not adopted until October 1.” [27]

Arthur St. Clair like his predecessors was constantly plagued with juggling precarious personal finances in a debt ridden economy, with the duties of a Presidential office that provided no salary.  By mid-March, St. Clair’s personal debt obligations were weighing heavily on his shoulders.  He took the time to write John Nicholson of Philadelphia concerning money owed to him by Pennsylvania so he could settle some private debts that were quite deficient.  This letter also indicates that the USCA was considering relocation to Philadelphia. President St. Clair writes from New York:

Tomorrow is the day which was fixed by you as the longest day to which any delay in the payment of our Arrears could be extended. I am not informed what payments or whether any have been since made. It is most unfortunate for me that I am at present confined to this City, by my public Duty, because I am certain I could if it had been possible to have got back to Philadelphia have obtained Money to answer the Demand in some way or other in the present Situation all I have been able to do has been to insist on the other two Gentlemen’s paying up their respective Balances which will amount to a considerable part of the Sum; my own I have no other way of providing for, but by a Sale of Certificates, which I will send on for the purpose by tomorrows Post or the next day at farthest unless Council should be pleased to allow me to place them as a deposit in your hands for farther assurance and grant some farther time for the collection of our Debts, which I have requested. …  I have only to request that you will not issue process until my certificate gets to hand; that can be turned into Money in a few Hours, tho' to my very great Injury but the loss of Money is a trifle in my Eyes, compared to the loss of Reputation. There is a probability that Congress will remove to Philadelphia, but should that not happen, I suppose my presence may be dispensed with for a short time, but I can take no steps about it until I hear from Philadelphia which I expected by last post, and anxiously look for by the next. [28]

April’s business in the USCA centered around 1787 fiscal estimates, more Spanish negotiations on the Mississippi, another land sales plan for the Northwest Territory, the establishment of copper coinage, and the discharge of the troops who had enlisted to put down Shays' Rebellion.  On April 13, 1787 the USCA and the President found it necessary to send a circular letter to all the States reminding them that they must comply with the Treaty of Paris.  This is yet another testament, signed by the President of the United States, that the Articles of Confederation were a constitution:

Let it be remembered that the thirteen Sovereign States have by express delegation of power formed & vested in us a General, though limited Sovereignty, for the General  & National purposes Specified in the Confederation. In this Sovereignty they cannot severally participate except by their Delegates nor with it have concurrent jurisdiction, for the 9th Article of Confederation most expressly conveys to us the Sole and exclusive right & power of determining war & peace and of entering into Treaties and alliances, &c. When therefore a Treaty is constitutionally made, Ratified and Published by us, it immediately becomes binding on the whole Nation and Superadded to the Laws of the Land without the intervention of State Legislatures. Treaties derive their obligation from being Compacts between the Sovereignty of this, and the Sovereignty of another Nation.[29]

Columbia University's invitation to President Arthur St. Clair and the members of Congress to attend its graduation ceremonies.
Only on the 16th and 17th did Congress fail to achieve a quorum.   On the 21st the following resolution was enacted for the copper coinage:

That the board of treasury be and they are hereby authorized to contract for three hundred tons of copper Coin of the federal standard agreeably to the proposition of Mr. James Jarvis; provided that the premium, to be allowed to the United States on the amount of copper Coin contracted for, be not less than fifteen per cent; that it be coined at the expense of the contractor, but under the inspection of an Officer appointed and paid by the United States.

US Fugio 1787 cent - Mind Your Own Business  

That the Obligations to be given, for the payment of the copper coin to be delivered under such contract, be redeemable within twenty years after the date thereof, that they bear an interest not exceeding six per cent per annum and that the principal and interest accruing thereon be payable within the United States. That the whole of the aforesaid loan shall be sacredly appropriated and applied to the reduction of the domestic debt of the United States and the premium thereon towards the payment of the interest of the foreign debt.[30]

Fugio 1787 cent - We Are One

This resolution was followed with land resolution assigning parcels to the Army and adopting terms for the sale of western land:

Resolved, that after the Secretary at War shall have drawn for the proportionate quantity of the lands already surveyed which were assigned to the late Army, agreeably to the Ordinance1 of the 20th May 1785, the remainder shall be advertised for Sale in one of the Newspapers at least of each of the States, for the Space of four months from the date of the Advertisement, [and] at the expiration of which time [five months from this day], the sale of the land shall commence in the place where Congress shall sit, and continue from day to day until the same shall be disposed of; provided that none of the Land shall be sold at a less price than one dollar per Acre, and that the Sale shall be made agreeably to the mode pointed out by the Ordinance aforesaid.

Resolved, that one third of the purchase money shall be immediately paid in any of the public securities of the United States to the Treasurer of the said States; and that the remaining two thirds shall be paid in like manner in three months after the date of the sale, on which payment (a Certificate thereof being previously furnished by the Treasurer to the Board of Treasury) Titles to the lands shall be given to the purchasers by the Board of Treasury, agreeably to the terms prescribed by the said Ordinance; provided, that if the second payment shall not be made in three months as aforesaid the first payment shall be forfeited, and the land shall again be exposed to Sale.
Ordered, that the Board of Treasury take the Necessary measures for carrying the aforesaid resolutions into effect, and also for exhibiting the Surveys of the Lands. [31]

On April 23 the USCA approved extending franking privilege to the delegates of Philadelphia Convention. On the 24th Congress was forced to order recapture of Fort Vinncennes [32] which was a very important fortification during the Revolutionary War. George Rogers Clark had captured Vincennes in 1779 and Virginia established the county of Illinois which marked the beginning of U.S. control of the Northwest Territory.  Virginia’s secession of the territory and Fort to the Federal Government prompted squatters and settlers to take a bold action against the Congress. The Journals reported that “a body of men who have in a lawless and unauthorised manner taken possession of post St. Vincent’s in defiance of the proclamations and authority of the United States.” [33] This action forced Congress to dispatch troops to regain possession.

Good news followed this action with the notification that the Massachusetts-New York land dispute was finally settled.  On April 25th and 26th Congress received and debated North Carolina’s formal protest against their Native American treaties.  From April 27th to May 1 the Congress failed to achieve a quorum.

The USCA was able to gather itself together again from May 2nd to the 11th debating proposals concerning interstate commercial conventions, the Northwest Ordinance, the location of federal capital and once again Mississippi River negotiations with Spain. From May 12th-31st the USCA failed to achieve quorum due to the loss of delegates from certain States to attend the Philadelphia Convention at Independence Hall.  On May 18th even the President found it to be a waste of his time to appear each day in the USCA only to adjourn the session due to a failed quorum call. St. Clair explains this in a letter to Secretary Thomson this letter just before he departed for Philadelphia:

Having some pressing Business, in a distant part of Pennsylvania, that cannot well be done without my being personally present, I avail myself of the Situation of Congress at this time to attend to it. It will probably be five or six Weeks before I can return, but I am the easier on that account as there seems little probability that Congress will be fuller within either of these periods. Should however a sufficient number of States for the dispatch of Business present themselves earlier, be so obliging as to make them acquainted with the necessity there was for my Absence, and my request that they will please to appoint a Chairman until I can get back, an Event that I will hasten as much as possible. The Adjournment from Day to Day until seven States appear you, of course, will attend to, and I find by the Journals that the presence of the President, merely for the purpose of adjourning has not been thought necessary but has often been done by the Secretary. [34]

Despite the Presidential directive, Secretary Charles Thomson also left for Philadelphia and did not return to New York until June 24th.  William Grayson of Virginia  [35] was elected chairman of Congress to perform presidential duties until St. Clair’s return on July 17th. Who was discharging the duties of Secretary Thomson in late May is still a question of scholarly concern.

After three years of hotly contested debates the time was right for the approval of an Ordinance for governing the Northwest Territory.  The treasury was utterly empty, the United States had defaulted on its loan payments to France opting to pay Holland or risk impressments of its ships, and USCA was in the right frame of mind to consider plans for bringing the government lands into market because the Ohio Company was willing to purchase millions of acres for private development. Additionally, earlier in the month Delegate James Monroe’s committee on the western government proposed the replacement of Jefferson’s 1784 eleven states’ plan with a system that would result in no less than three or more than five states.[36] 

Earlier that year, the Ohio Company replaced Parsons with the Reverend Manasseh Cutler aligned himself with William Duer,[37] secretary of the U.S. Treasury Board. Pressures on the U.S. Treasury were dire and Duer and his associates formed a steadfast group of New York speculators determined for the settlement of the Northwest Territory.  It was the economic strain added to the influence of Duer and Massachusetts Delegate Nathan Dane[38] that persuaded President Arthur St. Clair and key delegates to permit Dr. Cutler[39] to work directly with the committee assigned the task of drafting the Northwest Ordinance.

The Committee consisted of only Virginia Delegate Edward Carrington[40]and Massachusetts Delegate Nathan Dane because committee members James Madison and Rufus King were in Philadelphia at the Philadelphia Convention.   In the afternoon, the USCA appointed three new members, former President Richard Henry Lee, John Kean,[41] and Melancton Smith[42] to replace the three absent delegates. The new delegates outnumbered the old delegates who had been working on the measure for over a year.  Additionally, Carrington was elected as the Chairman and they with Ohio Company Agent Cutler took up James Monroe’s plan.  This committee did not merely revise the ordinances of 1784 and 1785; they began to draft an entirely new plan for the territory northwest of the Ohio government. 

The committee, animated by the presence of Lee, went to its work in good earnest. Dane, who had been actively employed on the colonial government for more than a year, and for about ten months, had served on the committee which had the subject in charge, acted the part of scribe. Like Smith and Lee, he had opposed a federal convention for the reform of the constitution. The three agreed very well together, though Dane secretly harbored the wish of finding in the West an ally for " eastern politics." They were pressed for time, and found it necessary finally to adopt the best system they could get. At first they took up the plan reported by Monroe; but new ideas were started; and they worked with so much industry that on the eleventh of July their report of an ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States north-west of the river Ohio was read for its first time in congress. [43]

Cutler added an educational provision which was revised by the committee and became part of Article III. Other revisions were made after input from the President.  Dr. Cutler, satisfied with the changes, did not remain in New York for the vote in Congress and left for Philadelphia that evening. 

The ordinance required seven votes to pass and the States were divided four South and five North. The reading by Chairman Nathan Dane on the 11th did not include the provision abolishing slavery.  The Chairman who has been credited, along with Cutler, with the primary drafting of the ordinance thought it best to leave the anti-slavery language out.  He and other anti-slavery delegates believed this would enable the southern delegations to focus more clearly on the favorable attributes of the ordinance.  On July 12th, the ordinance was read again by Dane but this time the anti-slavery provision was added.

National Collegiate Honor’s Council Partners in the Park Independence Hall Class of 2017 students at Federal Hall National Historic Park with Ranger holding the 1789 Acts of Congress opened to the 12 Amendment Joint Resolution of Congress issued September 25th, 1789. The only amendment in the "Bill of Rights" that was not ratified is Article the First, which is still pending before Congress. Cintly is holding an Arthur St. Clair signed Northwest Territory document, Imani is holding the First Bicameral Congressional Act establishing the U.S. Department of State and Rachael is holding a 1788 John Jay letter sent to the Governor of Connecticut, Samuel Huntington, transmitting a treaty with France. – Primary Sources courtesy of


Arthur St Clair signed Northwest Territory Marriage Certificate as Governor, which is dated October 8, 1800 - Primary source courtesy of the Collection

In a strange twist of events on July 12th, as the all-important Northwest Ordinance bill was being debated on the floor, President St. Clair decided to take a three-day leave of Congress along with what surely would have been a yes vote from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Eight states remained and with William Grayson serving as Chairman on July 13th, the ordinance passed unanimously. [44]

It has been charged that both Arthur St. Clair and Dr. Cutler left New York to cover-up their back room dealings of the President’s appointment to the governorship.  St. Clair’s biographer writes:

On the 13th of July he [President Arthur St. Clair]did not preside. He had gone the day before to New Jersey to visit a friend, and he did not return until two days after the passage of the Ordinance. Only eight States out of thirteen voted for that instrument: Pennsylvania was one of the five not represented. When St. Clair returned to New York, he was accompanied by General Irvine, one of his colleagues. In a letter  of the latter, written 19th July, and addressed to Colonel Richard Butler, he refers to the Ordinance which had passed two days before his return, and adds: "Who the officers of that government will be I have not heard, nor inquired."

If the name of General St. Clair had been canvassed, or, if he had had any understanding with the New England people, as is alleged, it would have been known to a friend as intimate as General Irvine. But, furthermore, we have his own testimony, which is of the best, to sustain us. In a letter to the Hon. William B. Giles, he says that the office of Governor was, in a great measure, forced upon him by his friends, who thought there would be in it means to compensate for his sacrifices to his country, and provide for his large family. But it proved otherwise. He had "neither the taste nor genius for speculation in land; nor did he consider it consistent with the office." He declared the accepting of the Governorship the most imprudent act of his life, for he was then in possession of a lucrative office, and his influence at home was very considerable. But he had the "laudable ambition of becoming the father of a country, and laying the foundation for the happiness of millions then unborn." [45]

On the day of the ordinance’s passage, Chairman Dane, transmits a copy to Rufus King with this letter shedding more light on the negotiations on the land purchase:

We have been much engaged in business for ten or twelve days past for a part of which we have had eight States. There appears to be a disposition to do business, and the arrival of R. H. Lee is of considerable importance. I think his character serves, at least in some degree, to check the effects of the feeble habits and lax modes of thinking in some of his Countrymen. We have been employed about several objects; the principal ones of which have been the Government enclosed and the Ohio purchase.

The former you will see is completed and the latter will be probably completed tomorrow. We tried one day to patch up M; Systems of W. Government; Started new Ideas and committed the whole to Carrington, Dane, R. H. Lee, Smith, & Kean; we met several times and at last agreed on some principles at least Lee, Smith & myself. We found ourselves rather pressed, the Ohio Company appeared to purchase a large tract of the federal lands, about 6 or 7 million of acres; and we wanted to abolish the old system and get a better one for the Government of the Country; and we finally found it necessary to adopt the best system we could get.

All agreed finally to the enclosed except A. Yates; he appeared in this Case, as in most other not to understand the subject at all. I think the number of free Inhabitants 60,000, which are requisite for the admission of a new State into the Confederacy is too small, but having divided the whole territory into three States, this number appeared to me to be less important, each State in the Common Course of things must become important soon after it shall have that number of Inhabitants. The eastern State of the three will probably be the first, and more important than the rest; and, will no doubt be settled chiefly by Eastern people, and there is, I think, full an equal chance of it adopting Eastern politics. When I drew the ordinance which passed (in a few words excepted) as I originally formed it, I had no idea the States would agree to the sixth Article prohibiting Slavery; as only Massa. of the Eastern States was present; and therefore omitted it in the draft; but finding the House favorably disposed on this subject, after we had completed the other parts I moved the article; which was agreed to without opposition. 

We are in a fair way to fix the terms of our Ohio sale, &c. We have been upon it three days steadily. The magnitude of the purchase makes us very cautious about the terms of it, and the security necessary to ensure the performance of them. [46]

The negotiations with the Ohio Company and their New York Associates syndicate later known as the Scioto Company was fruitful. 
The contract between the Board of Treasury of the United States (which then administered land affairs), and the Ohio Company stipulated the sale to the company of 1,500,000 acres in what is now southeast Ohio for $1,000,000. The contract acknowledged the payment of one-half the purchase price, the second $500,000 to be paid one month after the completion of a survey of the exterior lines of the tract. Within seven years the company was to provide the federal government an internal survey of the grant "Laid out and divided into Townships [six miles square] and fractional parts of Townships and also divided into Lots," according to the Land Ordinance of 1785. In addition to the company’s purchase, Congress granted lot (that is, section) sixteen in each township for schools, lot twenty-nine for purposes of religion, and two townships for a university. Sections eight, eleven, and twenty-six remained “Congress lands.” Samuel Osgood and Arthur Lee signed the contract for the Board of Treasury; Cutler and Winthrop Sargent for the Ohio Company …

Appointed superintendent of the Ohio Company, Putnam arrived at the confluence of the Muskingum and Ohio Rivers on 7 April 1788 with a company of men to found a settlement, subsequently named Marietta. While the work of surveying, clearing, and building went on, the company's directors attempted to raise the remaining $500,000 owed to the government. In October 1789 Richard Platt, a New York merchant and the company’s treasurer, reported that shareholders were almost $300,000 in arrears for their subscriptions of company stock, but had all of them paid up, the company still would have been short of the money that was owed. In addition, trouble with the Indians on the company's land meant the hiring of guards, the building of fortifications, and the curtailing of settlements. In 1790 Congress accepted a plan proposed by Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, to fund all outstanding federal and state debts, a plan that effectively raised the depreciated currency to par value. [47]

The passage of the Northwest Ordinance under Arthur St. Clair's Presidency was rightfully praised, in the 19th Century, by U.S. Senator Daniel Webster:

We are accustomed to praise lawgivers of antiquity ... but I doubt whether one single law of any lawgiver, ancient or modern, has produced the effects of more distinct, marked, and lasting character than the Ordinance of 1787.[48]

In 1787, the world was now put on notice that the land north and west of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi would be settled and utilized for the creation of  "… not less than three nor more than five territories." Additionally, this plan for governing the Northwest Territory included freedom of religion, right to trial by jury, the banishment of slavery, and public education as asserted rights granted to the people in the territory. This ordinance was and still remains one of the most important laws ever enacted by the government of the United States and it begins:

An Ordinance for the government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio. Section 1. Be it ordained by the United States in Congress assembled, That the said territory, for the purposes of temporary government, be one district, subject, however, to be divided into two districts, as future circumstances may, in the opinion of Congress, make it expedient. … [49] 

Specifically, this ordinance was an exceptional piece of legislation because Article Five permitted the people North and West of the Ohio River to settle their land, form their own territorial government, and take their place as a full-fledged state, equal to the original 13. The Northwest Ordinance's Article Five became the principle that enabled the United States rapid westward expansion, which ended with the inclusion of Alaska and Hawaii as our 49th and 50th states. This ordinance also guaranteed that inhabitants of the Territory would have the same rights and privileges that citizens of the original 13 States enjoyed.

Equally important, Article Six provided that slavery and involuntary servitude were outlawed in the Northwest Territory. 

There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted: Provided always, that any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service, as aforesaid. [50]

Article Sixwas the first federal law that finally gave some merit to "... all men are created equal...” written 11 years earlier in the Declaration of Independence.  In 1865, when Abraham Lincoln succeeded in passing through Congress the 13th Amendment that finally abolishing United States slavery, he changed only one word in Article Six, “territory” became “states.”  

Theism was also openly expressed in the legislation as Article Three of the Ordinance stated:

Religion, Morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, Schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.[51]

This measure essentially legislated that religion and morality were indispensable to good government but it was not carried out by the federal government because the United States confederation was financially insolvent in 1788 and faded away in 1789. A second constitution emerged from Philadelphia that laid the legal foundation that Jefferson would refer to as "thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”[52] 

Several western state governments adopted similar legislation to Article Three and provided financial assistance to the churches up and until the early 19th Century.  Today the second U.S. Constitution finds itself an opponent to both Article Three and States that support churches and/or religion with public funding.

With the Northwest Ordinance passed, the 1787 Congress turned to international matters ratifying a commercial treaty with Morocco, orders John Adams to seek a convention with Britain on violations of the treaty of peace, approves appointments of commercial agents to Morocco, orders report on formation of "a Confederacy with the powers of Europe" against the Barbary States; instructs Jefferson on consular convention with France and continues debates through August on Native American holdings in the Northwest Territory.[53]

Five days after the passage of the Northwest Ordinance, the USCA ratified a commercial treaty with Morocco.  The Moroccan sultan, Muhammad III, included the United States in a list of countries to which Morocco’s ports were open in December of 1777. Morocco became the first country whose head of state publicly recognized the new United States and the relations were formalized with the Moroccan–American Treaty of Friendship negotiated by Thomas Barclay, and signed by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Muhammad III in 1786.  Ratified by the USCA and President St. Clair on July 18, 1787, this treaty has withstood transatlantic stresses and strains for more than 220 years, making it the lengthiest unbroken treaty relationship in United States history.

Moroccan–American Treaty of Friendship Ratification dated July 18, 1787 by “Arthur St. Clair, our President, at the City of New York” - Image Courtesy of the Library of Congress

Meanwhile, in 1787 Philadelphia  a reasonable quorum of States did not convene to “revise” the Articles of Confederation  and ultimately form the new constitution until May 25th. On that day James Madison writes:

Friday 25 of May … Mr Robert Morris  informed the members assembled that by the instruction & in behalf, of the deputation of Pena. he proposed George Washington  Esqr. late Commander in chief for president of the Convention. Mr. Jno. Rutlidge seconded the motion; expressing his confidence that the choice would be unanimous, and observing that the presence of Genl Washington forbade any observations on the occasion which might otherwise be proper.

General (Washington) was accordingly unanimously elected by ballot, and conducted to the chair by Mr. R. Morris and Mr. Rutlidge; from which in a very emphatic manner he thanked the Convention for the honor they had conferred on him, reminded them of the novelty of the scene of business in which he was to act, lamented his want of (better qualifications), and claimed the indulgence of the House towards the involuntary errors which his inexperience might occasion.

The convention was attended by 12 States (Rhode Island sent no delegates) and produced an innovative new Plan of the New Federal Government. Volumes have been written on the convention that produced the current constitution of the United States of America and here are some highlights.  

President George Washington began the first session by adopting rules of order which included the provision of secrecy.  No paper could be removed from the Convention without the majority leave of the members.  The yeas and nays of the members were not recorded and it was the unwritten understanding that no disclosure of the proceedings would be made during the lives of its delegates.  At the end of the convention Washington ordered that every record be burned except the Journals which were merely minutes, of which he took personal possession.  “We the People of the United States, therefore, knew very little about the Convention until the Journals were finally published in 1819.  It was not until the death of President James Madison that his wife, Dolley, revealed she possessed his account of the convention.  Dolley Madison sold the journals to the Library of Congress in 1843. 

The delegates of the convention had no authority to scrap the Articles of Confederation and construct a new constitution in its place.  Throughout the proceedings this fact was addressed in debate and federally minded delegates led by George Washington , James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and Charles Pinckney all stood firm on formulating an entirely new constitution. To this end, the larger states (by population) were determined to change the one state one vote system adopted under the Articles of Confederation.   The smaller states sought to preserve their sovereignty and equality in casting votes. The two sides, as they did in York  Pennsylvania  formulating the Articles of Confederation in 1777, clashed ten years later on this same issue of States rights over federalism. 

Edmund Randolph submitted the large states “Virginia  Plan” that was primarily drafted by James Madison . There were other plans, most just seeking revisions to the Articles of Confederation.  Surprisingly, the 29 year old delegate from South Carolina, Charles Pinckney, provided a plan of a federal structure and powers that were more tangible than any other plan.  Pinckney's plan was actually a nascent form of the constitution that would be eventually be passed by the Philadelphia  convention of States.  

The small States clashed with the large States over representation in the newly proposed bi-cameral legislature. They went into committee to develop their plan, emerging only seeking to amend the Articles of Confederation ’s one-state one-vote system. The proposed improvements   consisted primarily of weak federal executive and judiciary branches in addition to the unicameral legislature.   The federal government, under the small States’ “New Jersey Plan”[54] would remain a confederation with the requirement of at least nine states voting in the positive to enforce their decrees.  

There were many compromises in the Philadelphia  convention but none was more crucial than how the representatives and senators would be numbered in the two newly proposed legislative houses. The large States insisted that all members be selected based on population. The small States disagreed and they lost the convention vote on this matter to the large State voting bloc, which embittered many of the members. James Madison wrote of one small State delegate:

Mr. L. MARTIN resumed his discourse, contending that the Genl. Govt. ought to be formed for the States, not for individuals: that if the States were to have votes in proportion to their numbers of people, it would be the same thing whether their representatives were chosen by the Legislatures or the people; the smaller States would be equally enslaved; that if the large States have the same interest with the smaller as was urged, there could be no danger in giving them an equal vote; they would not injure themselves, and they could not injure the large ones on that supposition without injuring themselves and if the interests, were not the same, the inequality of suffrage wd. be dangerous to the smaller States: that it will be in vain to propose any plan offensive to the rulers of the States, whose influence over the people will certainly prevent their adopting it: that the large States were weak at present in proportion to their extent: & could only be made formidable to the small ones, by the weight of their votes; that in case a dissolution of the Union should take place, the small States would have nothing to fear from their power; that if in such a case the three great States should league themselves together, the other ten could do so too: & that he had rather see partial confederacies take place, than the plan on the table.

This was the substance of the residue of his discourse which was delivered with much diffuseness & considerable vehemence. [55]

On June 28, 1787 the small States gave an ultimatum to the convention that unless representation in both branches of the proposed legislature was on the basis of equality, one-state one-vote, they would forthwith leave the proceedings.  With tempers flaring, Benjamin Franklin  rose and called for a recess with the understanding that the delegates should confer with those whom they disagreed rather than with those with whom they agreed.

This recess resulted in a crucial compromise of the convention.  The House of Representatives were to be elected by the people based on population thus providing more representation in the new federal government to the large states.  This House, however, was to be checked by the Senate where each state, regardless of size, would have two votes.  This solved the great convention crisis and the delegates would labor another two months to create, arguably, one of the most elastic forms of government in human history.  The new plan for the federal government that scrapped the Articles of Confederation  consisted of less than four thousand words.

The innovative Plan of the New Federal Government was passed on September 17, 1787  and rushed to New York by stagecoach.  The new constitution was presented to Congress along with a letter from the convention’s President, George Washington to President Arthur St. Clair:

SIR,  -- WE have now the honor to submit to the consideration of the United States in Congress assembled, that Constitution which has appeared to us the most advisable.

The friends of our country have long seen and desired, that the power of making war, peace and treaties, that of levying money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities should be fully and effectually vested in the general government of the Union: but the impropriety of delegating such extensive trust to one body of men is evident—Hence results the necessity of a different organization.

It is obviously impracticable in the federal government of these States, to secure all rights of independent sovereignty to each, and yet provide for the interest and safety of all—Individuals entering into society, must give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest. The magnitude of the sacrifice must depend as well on situation and circumstance, as on the object to be obtained. It is at all times difficult to draw with precision the line between those rights which must be surrendered, and those which may be reserved; and on the present occasion this difficulty was encreased by a difference among the several States as to their situation, extent, habits, and particular interests.

In all our deliberations on this subject we kept steadily in our view, that which appears to us the greatest interest of every true American, the consolidation of our Union, in which is involved our prosperity, felicity, safety, perhaps our national existence. This important consideration, seriously and deeply impressed on our minds, led each State in the Convention to be less rigid on points of inferior magnitude, than might have been otherwise expected; and thus the Constitution, which we now present, is the result of a spirit of amity, and of that mutual deference and concession which the peculiarity of our political situation rendered indispensible.

That it will meet the full and entire approbation of every State is not perhaps to be expected; but each will doubtless consider, that had her interests been alone consulted, the consequences might have been particularly disagreeable or injurious to others; that it is liable to as few exceptions as could reasonably have been expected, we hope and believe; that it may promote the lasting welfare of that country so dear to us all, and secure her freedom and happiness, is our most ardent wish.

With great respect, we have the honor to be, SIR, Your EXCELLENCY'S most obedient and humble Servants,

George Washington , President.
By unanimous Order of the CONVENTION.

The President of Congress 

Plan of The New Federal Government, Printed by Robert Smith, September 1787    Original Manuscript from the Stan Klos Collection.  

The Convention delegates called for the Plan of The New Federal Government to be sent to the states for their consideration with only 2/3rds of their legislatures being required to discard the Articles of Confederation  for the new constitution.   The convention overstepped its authority granted by the seventh USCA  on February 21, 1787 by first discarding the Articles instead of revising the constitution and second, completely dismissing the modification requirements set forth in Article XIII of the federal constitution that stated:

Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State[57]

The proposed obliteration of the Articles of Confederation by convention was to be accomplished without the unanimous approval by the States. It was a constitutional crisis that, to this day, has not been equaled in the United States save the southern succession of the 1860s. 
 Throughout the month of September USCA failed to achieve a quorum until the 20th when the Constitution of 1787 arrived in New York from the Philadelphia Convention.  While the Constitution was being examined by the delegates, the USCA convened and reelected treasury commissioners Arthur Lee, Walter Livingston, and Samuel Osgood on the 21st while cutting civil employee jobs.  On September 24th Congress accepted John Adams' retirement request from Foreign Service and reviewed a report on the Netherlands.  Finally, on September 26th and 27th President Arthur St. Clair called for the debate to begin on the proposed Constitution of 1787 and the Philadelphia Convention’s recommendation to send it on to the thirteen States for ratification without any alterations.
     Only sketches of the great debate that ensued exist due to the veil of secrecy that surrounded Congress. We do know from the notes by New York delegate Melancton Smith, which became publicly available in 1959, that a majority of the delegates believed they had the right to alter the Constitution of 1787 before it was sent on to the States.  James Madison, Rufus King, and Nathaniel Gorham, all Philadelphia Conventioneers, argued to the contrary. Unlike the Articles of Confederation, the  unanimous 13 state ratification of the second constitution was not required. Richard Henry Lee who sought full 13 State ratification would lead the opposition to amend the Constitution of 1787 with this condition and a Bill of Rights.  Smith writes in his notes:

RH LEE -- The convention had not proceeded as this house were bound; it is to be agreed to by the States & means the 13; but this recommends  a new Confederation of nine; the Convention has no more powers than Congress, yet if nine States agree becomes supreme Law. Knows no instance on the Journals as he remembers, opposing the Confederation the impost was to be adopted by 13.

This is to be adopted & no other with alteration Why so? good things in it; but many bad; so much so that he says here as he will say everywhere that if adopted civil Liberty will be in eminent danger. [58]

     After both Rufus King and James Madison made their arguments to send the Constitution of 1787 on to the States without any changes or amendments Smith records Lee’s response as:

Strangest doctrine he ever heard, that referring a matter of report, that no alterations should be made. The Idea the common sense of Man. The States & Congress he thinks had the Idea that congress was to amend if they thought proper. He wishes to give it a candid enquiry, and proposes such alterations as are necessary; if the General wishes it should go forth with the amendment.; let it go with all its imperfections on its head & the amendments by themselves; to insist that it should go as it is without amendments, is like presenting a hungry man 50 dishes and insisting he should eat all or none.[59]

Smith records James Madison’s response as:

The proper question is whether any amendments shall be made and that the house should decide; suppose altercations sent to the State, the Acts require the Delegates to the Constitutional Convention to report to them; there will be two plans; some will accept one & some another this will create confusion and proves it was not the intent of the States.[60]

     In addition to the discussions on whether or not the United States, in Congress Assembled should alter or amend the Constitution the case, “If not altered how it should be submitted to the States?” was debated.  It was reported of Delegate Clark by Smith:

Don’t like any proposal yet made; he can’t approve it; but thinks it will answer no purpose to alter it; will not oppose it in any place; prefers a resolution to postpone to take up one, barely to forward a copy to the States, to be laid before the Legislatures to be referred to conventions.[61]

It was reported of Delegate Grayson:
This is in a curious situation, it is urged all alterations are precluded, has not made up his mind; and thinks it precipitous to urge a decision in two days on a subject took 4 Months. If we have no right to amend, then we ought to give a silent passage; for if we cannot alter, why should we deliberate. His opinion they should stand solely upon the opinion of Convention. [62]

James Madison and Rufus King’s arguments won out in the end. The final resolution of Arthur St. Clair’s Congress passed the Constitution unaltered onto the States and read:

Congress having received the report of the Convention lately assembled in Philadelphia: Resolved Unanimously that the said Report with the resolutions and letter accompanying the same be transmitted to the several legislatures in Order to be submitted to a convention of Delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof in conformity to the resolves of the Convention made and provided in that case.[63]

On September 30, 1787 James Madison wrote George Washington, the President of the Philadelphia Convention, about the September debate on the Constitution of 1787 in the United States, in Congress Assembled:

It was first urged that as the new Constitution was more than an alteration of the Articles of Confederation under which Congress acted, and even subverted these articles altogether, there was a Constitutional impropriety in their taking any positive agency in the work.  The answer given was that the Resolution of Congress in February had recommended the Convention as the best mean of obtaining a firm national Government; that as the powers of the Convention were defined by their Commissions in nearly the same terms with the powers of Congress given by the Confederation on the subject of alterations, Congress were not more restrained from acceding to the new plan, than the Convention were from proposing it. If the plan was within the powers of the Convention it was within those of Congress; if beyond those powers, the same necessity which justified the Convention would justify Congress; and a failure of Congress to Concur in what was done, would imply either that the Convention had done wrong in exceeding their powers, or that the Government proposed was in itself liable to insuperable objections; that such an inference would be the more natural, as Congress had never scrupled to recommend measures foreign to their Constitutional functions, whenever the Public good seemed to require it; and had in several instances, particularly in the establishment of the new Western Governments, exercised assumed powers of a very high & delicate nature, under motives infinitely less urgent than the present state of our affairs, if any faith were due to the representations made by Congress themselves, echoed by 12 States in the Union, and confirmed by the general voice of the People. An attempt was made in the next place by Richard Henry Lee to amend the Act of the Convention before it should go forth from Congress. He proposed a bill of Rights; provision for juries in civil cases & several other things corresponding with the ideas of Col. M---;---;. He was supported by Mr. M---;---; Smith of this State. It was contended that Congress had an undoubted right to insert amendments, and that it was their duty to make use of it in a case where the essential guards of liberty had been omitted.

On the other side the right of Congress was not denied, but the inexpediency of exerting it was urged on the following grounds. 1. That every circumstance indicated that the introduction of Congress as a party to the reform was intended by the States merely as a matter of form and respect 2. That it was evident from the contradictory objections which had been expressed by the different members who had animadverted on the plan that a discussion of its merits would consume much time, without producing agreement even among its adversaries. 3. that it was clearly the intention of the States that the plan to be proposed should be the act of the Convention with the assent of Congress, which could not be the case, if alterations were made, the Convention being no longer in existence to adopt them. 4. that as the Act of the Convention, when altered would instantly become the mere act of Congress, and must be proposed by them as such, and of course be addressed to the Legislatures, not conventions of the States, and require the ratification of thirteen instead of nine States, and as the unaltered act would go forth to the States directly from the Convention under the auspices of that Body; Some States might ratify one & some the other of the plans, and confusion & disappointment be the least evils that could ensue.

These difficulties which at one time threatened a serious division in Congress and popular alterations with the yeas & nays on the journals, were at length fortunately terminated by the following Resolution; "Congress having recd. the Report of the Convention lately assembled in Philada., Resold. unanimously that the said Report, with the Resolutions & letter accompanying the same, be transmitted to the several Legislatures, in order to be submitted to a Convention of Delegates chosen in each State by the people thereof, in conformity to the Resolves of the Convention made & provided in that case." [64]

Fellow Virginian, Richard Henry Lee, wrote to another prominent Virginian, Patrick Henry on his view of the USCA proceedings:

I have waited until now to answer your favor of September 18th from Philadelphia, that I might inform you how the Convention plan of Government was entertained by Congress. Your prediction of what would happen in Congress was exactly verified. It was with us, as with you, this or nothing; & this urged with a most extreme intemperance. The greatness of the powers given, & the multitude of Places to be created, produces a coalition of Monarchy men, Military Men, Aristocrats, and Drones whose noise, imprudence & zeal exceeds all belief; Whilst the Commercial plunder of the South stimulates the rapacious Trader.

In this state of things, the Patriot voice is raised in vain for such changes and securities as Reason and Experience prove to be necessary against the encroachments of power upon the indispensable rights of human nature. Upon due consideration of the Constitution under which we now Act, some of us were clearly of opinion that the 13th article of the Confederation precluded us from giving an opinion concerning a plan subversive of the present system and eventually forming a New Confederacy of Nine instead of 13 States. The contrary doctrine was asserted with great violence in expectation of the strong majority with which they might send it forward under terms of much approbation.

Having procured an opinion that Congress was qualified to consider, to amend, to approve or disapprove; the next game was to determine that tho a right to amend existed, it would be highly inexpedient to exercise that right; but surely to transmit it with respectful marks of approbation. In this state of things I availed myself of the Right to amend, & moved the Amendments copy of which I send herewith & called the ayes & nays to fix them on the journal.

This greatly alarmed the Majority & vexed them extremely; for the plan is, to push the business on with great dispatch, & with as little opposition as possible: that it may be adopted before it has stood the test of Reflection & due examination. They found it most eligible at last to transmit it merely, without approving or disapproving; provided nothing but the transmission should appear on the Journal. This compromise was settled and they took the opportunity of inserting the word Unanimously, which applied only to simple transmissionhoping to have it mistaken for an Unanimous approbation of the thing.

It states that Congress having Received the Constitution unanimously transmit it &c. It is certain that no Approbation was given. This constitution has a great many excellent Regulations in it, and if it could be reasonably amended would be a fine System. As it is, I think 'tis past doubt, that if it should be established, either a tyranny will result from it, or it will be prevented by a Civil war.

I am clearly of opinion with you that it should be sent back with amendments Reasonable and Assent to it withheld until such amendments are admitted. You are well acquainted with Mr. Stone & others of influence in Maryland. I think it will be a great point to get Maryland & Virginia to join in the plan of Amendments & return it with them. If you are in correspondence with our Chancellor Pendelton, it will be of much use to furnish him with the objections, and if he approves our plan, his opinion will have great weight with our Convention, and I am told that his relation Judge Pendleton of South Carolina has decided weight in the State, & that he is sensible & independent. How important will it be then to procure his union with our plan, which might probably be the case, if our Chancellor was to write largely & pressingly to him on the subject; that if possible it may be amended there also. It is certainly the most rash and violent proceeding in the world to cram thus suddenly into Men a business of such infinite Moment to the happiness of Millions.[65]

On October 5th Richard Henry Lee also wrote a lengthy letter to his dear friend Samuel Adams concluding:

But I think the new Constitution (properly amended) as it contains many good regulations, may be admitted; And why may not such indispensable amendments be proposed by the Conventions and referred With the new plan to Congress, that a new general Convention may so weave them into the proffer'd system as that a Web may be produced fit for free men to weave? If such amendments were proposed by a capital state or two, & a willingness expressed to agree with the plan so amended; I cannot see why it may not be effected. It is a mere begging the question to suppose, as some do, that only this Moment and this Measure will do. But why so, there being no war external or internal to prevent due deliberation on this most momentous business. The public papers will inform you what violence has been practiced by the Agitators of this new System in Philadelphia to drive on its immediate adoption as if the subject of Government were a business or passion, instead of cool, sober, and intense consideration. [66] 

The USCA, in less than one year, enacted the Northwest Ordinance, produced legislation that called for the Philadelphia Convention, provided the second U.S. Constitution be submitted unchanged to all the 13 States for ratification, and sold 1.5 million acres in the Northwest Territory.  All of this presided over by a President whose office and name are forgotten by the 300 million Americans who enjoy daily, the fruits of his USCA labors.

Arthur St. Clair Military Commission as President of the United States of America, 
in Congress Assembled – Courtesy of

On October 5, 1787 the USCA turned west and elected a territorial Governor and Secretary:

Congress proceeded to the election of a governor for the western territory pursuant to the Ordinance of the 13th of July last and the ballots being taken the honorable Arthur St Clair was elected. Congress proceeded to the election of a secretary pursuant to the said Ordinance and the ballots being taken Mr. Winthrop Sargent was elected. [67]

While Congress debated the terms of the land sale it was decided to table the matter and consider a resolution to honor John Paul Jones with a gold medal.  On October 16th, the USCA passed the following resolution:

Ordered, That the Secretary of Foreign Affairs prepare a letter for the above purpose, to be signed by the President, and that the Chevalier Jones be the bearer of the said letter.

Resolved unanimously, that a medal of gold be struck and presented to the chevalier John Paul Jones, in commemoration of the valour and brilliant services of that officer, in the command of a squadron of French and American ships, under the flag and commission of the united states, off the coast of Great Britain, in the late war; and that the honourable Mr. Jefferson, minister plenipotentiary of the united states at the Court Of Versailles, have the same executed, with the proper devices.

Resolved, that a letter be written to his Most Christian Majesty, informing him that the united states, in congress assembled, have bestowed upon the Chevalier John Paul Jones, this medal, as well in consideration of the distinguished marks of approbation which his majesty has pleased to confer upon that officer, as from a sense of his merit: and, that as it is his earnest desire to acquire greater knowledge in his profession, it would be acceptable to congress, that his majesty would be pleased to permit him to embark with his fleets of evolution, convinced that he can no where else so well acquire that knowledge which may hereafter render him more extensively useful.

Ordered, that the Secretary Of Foreign Affairs prepare a letter for the above purpose, to be signed by the president, and that the chevalier jones be the bearer of the said letter.

CAPTAIN JOHN PAUL JONES GOLD MEDAL, Capture of the Serapis - JOANNI PAVLO JONES CLASSIS PRÆFECTO. COMITIA AMERICANA. (The American Congress to naval commander John Paul Jones). Bust of Captain Jones, in uniform, facing the right. On edge of bust, dupré fecit.  HOSTIVM NAVIBVS CAPTIS AVT FVGATIS. (The enemy's vessels taken or put to flight) Naval action between the United States frigate Bonhomme Richard, of forty guns, Captain John Paul Jones, and the British frigate Serapis, of forty-four guns, Captain Pearson. Both vessels are grappled, lying head and stern. The Bonhomme Richard is on fire, and her crew are boarding the Serapis. To the left, a third vessel. Exergue: AD ORAM SCOTIÆ (sic) XXIII SEPT. (Septembris) M.DCCLXXVIIII. (Off the coast of Scotland, September 23, 1779.) dupré. fecit.  The bust of John Paul Jones, on the obverse of this medal, is from a plaster cast by Houdon, the celebrated sculptor.

The legend on the reverse of the medal is the second of the two proposed by the French Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres. The first was, primus americanorum triumphus navalis. The Chevalier John Paul Jones was born at Arbingland, in the parish of Kirkbean, in Scotland, July 6, 1747. He went to sea when young, and settled in Virginia in 1773. In 1775 he was appointed a lieutenant in the navy, through the recommendation of General Jones, of North Carolina, and in gratitude to him, he added the name of Jones to his family name of Paul. He joined the Alfred, of thirty guns and three hundred men, and on her deck, October 10, 1776, when off Chestnut street wharf, Philadelphia, under a salute of thirteen guns, hoisted with his own hands the first American naval flag. This had thirteen stripes, but without the blue union, and bore across the field a rattlesnake with the motto "Don't tread on me." Appointed captain in October, 1776, he was soon afterward sent by Congress to France, to arrange certain naval matters with the American commissioners. Subsequently he carried terror along the coast of England, and on September 23, 1779, fought his famous action off Flamborough Head, near Scarborough, in which he took the Serapis, Captain Richard Pearson. He was enthusiastically received in France, and King Louis XVI. presented him with a sword of honor and with the cross of Military Merit. Congress gave him a vote of thanks and a gold medal, in 1787, and sent him to France, Denmark, and Sweden, as agent for prize money. The same year he entered the Russian service with the rank of rear-admiral, and received from the Empress Catherine II. the cross of St. Anne. He had a command in the squadron stationed in the Black Sea, where he greatly distinguished himself, but embittered by slanderous calumnies, he left the Russian service and settled in Paris, where he died in poverty, July 18, 1792. The National Assembly of France, then in session, expressed their regret for him by wearing mourning, and sent a deputation to attend his funeral.
On October 21st, the USCA approved the sale of over one million acres to the Ohio Company.  Governor St. Clair was now responsible for governing, settling and subdividing the territory of what are now Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota whose lands, at that time, comprised more than one half the geographic area of the United States of America.  No one was more positive about the Northwest Territory’s vast lands’ ability to retire the U.S. Debt than former Land Ordinance of 1785 President, Richard Henry Lee who wrote to George Washington

We have the pleasure to see the first Act of Congress for selling federal lands N.W of Ohio becoming productive very fast. A large sum of public securities being already paid in upon the first sales: and a new Contract is ordered to be made with a company in N. Jersey for the lands between the two Miamis that will rid us of at least 2 millions more of the public debt. There is good reason to suppose that by the next spring we shall have reduced the domestic debt near six millions of dollars. And it seems clear that the lands yet to be disposed of, if well managed, will sink the whole 30 Millions that are due. [68]

Click Here to view the US Mint & Coin Acts 1782-1792
USCA Journals report this chronology of the St. Clair's Congress: 

February 2, 1787 – Friday – Elects Arthur St. Clair as President

  • After failing to conduct business for the previous few weeks, Congress elected Arthur St. Clair as the new president of Congress, along with Samuel Provost and John Rodgers as chaplains, marking a new phase of leadership.

February 3, 1787 – Saturday – Reads Correspondence

  • Congress resumed the reading of important correspondence that had been accumulating since early November 1786, enabling the body to catch up on official communications.

February 5, 1787 – Monday – Orders Fiscal Report

  • A report was ordered on the fiscal estimates for 1787, a necessary step for planning the federal budget and determining how to meet the government’s financial obligations.

February 6-9, 1787 – Tuesday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Once again, Congress was unable to achieve quorum, demonstrating the persistent challenges of maintaining effective representation under the Articles of Confederation.

February 12, 1787 – Monday – Committee on Qualifications

  • Congress adopted the report of the committee on qualifications, ensuring that the credentials of delegates were in order. Accumulated reports from the Treasury and War Office were also read, addressing ongoing financial and military matters.

February 14, 1787 – Wednesday – Nine States Represented

  • For the first time in a long while, nine states were represented, allowing Congress to make significant progress. The draft ordinance for the Post Office was read, and key issues were debated.

February 15, 1787 – Thursday – Mail Delivery Contracts

  • Congress authorized the postmaster general to contract for mail delivery services, an important step in improving communication throughout the new nation.

February 19, 1787 – Monday – Lambert Cadwalader Elected Chairman

  • With President St. Clair absent, Lambert Cadwalader was elected chairman to ensure the continuity of Congress’s operations.

February 21, 1787 – Wednesday – Call for Philadelphia Convention

  • Congress received the report on the Annapolis Convention, which had met the previous year to discuss interstate commerce. Congress responded by resolving to call for a Philadelphia convention to "render the federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of Government and the preservation of the Union." This would set the stage for the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.

February 22-23, 1787 – Thursday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Despite the progress made earlier in the month, Congress again struggled to gather enough delegates to continue its work.

February 26, 1787 – Monday – Virginia Call for Interstate Commercial Convention

  • Congress received a formal call from Virginia for an interstate commercial convention, reflecting the states' desire for federal reform regarding commerce and trade regulation.

March 1787

March 5-7, 1787 – Monday-Wednesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • The struggle to maintain quorum continued into March, delaying important decisions.

March 8, 1787 – Thursday – Reaffirms Specie Requirement

  • Congress reaffirmed its decision that payments of state quotas to the federal government must be made in specie (gold and silver), a reflection of the economic instability and distrust of paper money.

March 9, 1787 – Friday – Shays' Rebellion and Western Posts

  • Congress received a report from Massachusetts on the ongoing Shays' Rebellion and adopted a report concerning the Western posts, underscoring both domestic unrest and ongoing issues with British occupation of American frontier forts.

March 13, 1787 – Tuesday – Military Stores and Commercial Agent in Lisbon

  • Congress received a report on military stores and authorized the appointment of an unsalaried commercial agent in Lisbon, demonstrating continued efforts to secure international trade partnerships.

March 23, 1787 – Friday – Reduces Continental Civil List

  • In an effort to reduce costs, Congress adopted a measure to reduce the Continental civil list, cutting down on government personnel and expenses.

March 28, 1787 – Wednesday – Debates Continental Property

  • Congress debated motions regarding the loan or sale of Continental property as part of ongoing discussions on how to manage national assets and raise revenue.

March 30, 1787 – Friday – Seizure of American Property at Natchez

  • Congress received a report on the seizure of American property at Natchez by Spanish forces, reflecting ongoing tensions over territorial control in the Mississippi River region.

April 1787

April 2, 1787 – Monday – 1787 Fiscal Estimates

  • The fiscal estimates for 1787 were submitted, giving Congress a clearer picture of the nation’s financial situation.

April 4, 1787 – Wednesday – Spanish Negotiations

  • John Jay was ordered to report on the ongoing negotiations with Spain, particularly concerning issues like navigation rights on the Mississippi River, which was critical for western expansion and trade.

April 5, 1787 – Thursday – Land Sales Plan

  • Congress received a report on a plan for land sales, an essential component of federal revenue generation, particularly in light of the recent land cessions by states.

April 9, 1787 – Monday – Troops Discharged Post-Shays’ Rebellion

  • Congress ordered the discharge of troops enlisted to suppress Shays’ Rebellion, except for two artillery companies, signaling the end of the federal government’s response to the crisis in Massachusetts.

April 10, 1787 – Tuesday – Federal Capital Location Debate

  • Congress debated the location of the federal capital, a contentious issue that would continue for years as various states vied for the prestige and economic benefits of hosting the seat of government.

April 13, 1787 – Friday – Repeal of State Acts Repugnant to Treaty of Peace

  • Congress adopted a letter to the states recommending the repeal of all state laws that were repugnant to the treaty of peace with Britain, emphasizing the importance of adhering to international agreements.

April 16-17, 1787 – Monday-Tuesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Congress again failed to achieve quorum, delaying further legislative action.

April 18, 1787 – Wednesday – Debates Commissioner to Spain

  • Congress debated the possibility of sending a commissioner to Spain to resolve ongoing disputes over the Mississippi River and other territorial issues.

April 20, 1787 – Friday – Reports on Spain and Copper Coinage

  • John Jay submitted another report on the negotiations with Spain, and Congress also received a committee report on the copper coinage, highlighting ongoing efforts to stabilize the national currency.

April 21, 1787 – Saturday – Copper Coinage and Western Land Sales

  • Congress adopted the plan for copper coinage and a plan for the sale of western lands, crucial steps in stabilizing the nation’s economy and encouraging settlement in the new territories.

April 23, 1787 – Monday – Franking Privilege for Convention Delegates

  • Congress extended franking privileges (the right to send mail without paying postage) to delegates attending the Philadelphia Convention, showing federal support for the upcoming Constitutional Convention.

April 24, 1787 – Tuesday – Recapture of Fort Vincennes

  • Congress ordered the recapture of Fort Vincennes, underscoring ongoing military concerns in the western territories. They also received notification of the peaceful resolution of the Massachusetts-New York land dispute.

April 25, 1787 – Wednesday – North Carolina Protest Against Indian Treaties

  • Congress received a protest from North Carolina against federal treaties with Native American tribes, reflecting the tension between state and federal authority over Indian affairs.

April 27, 1787 – Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Once again, Congress failed to achieve quorum, halting further action.

May 1787

May 1, 1787 – Tuesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • The difficulty of maintaining quorum persisted, further delaying important decisions.

May 2, 1787 – Wednesday – Surplus Continental Arms

  • Congress authorized the sale of surplus Continental arms, a measure to raise funds and reduce unnecessary military stores.

May 3, 1787 – Thursday – British Consul Phineas Bond

  • Congress received Phineas Bond, the British consul, reflecting ongoing diplomatic relations with Britain despite unresolved tensions from the Revolutionary War.

May 7, 1787 – Monday – Departmental Accounts

  • Congress appointed commissioners to settle the accounts of the various departments, continuing efforts to resolve outstanding financial matters.

May 8-10, 1787 – Tuesday-Thursday – Debates and Northwest Ordinance

  • Congress debated proposals concerning interstate commercial conventions and the Northwest Ordinance, laying the groundwork for the organization and governance of new territories.

May 11, 1787 – Friday – Mississippi Negotiations with Spain

  • Congress debated the negotiations with Spain concerning the navigation of the Mississippi River, a vital issue for western expansion and trade.

May 12-31, 1787 – Saturday-Thursday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Despite the importance of the issues at hand, Congress failed to achieve quorum for the rest of May, stalling progress on critical matters like the Northwest Ordinance.

June 1-29, 1787 – Friday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • The quorum issues continued into June, with Congress unable to gather enough delegates to proceed with its legislative agenda.

July 2-3, 1787 – Monday-Tuesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Congress was unable to achieve a quorum during the first few days of July, a continuation of the struggles that had plagued its sessions for much of the year.

July 1787

July 4, 1787 – Wednesday – Achieves Quorum; Elects William Grayson Chairman

  • On Independence Day, Congress achieved quorum and elected William Grayson as chairman in the absence of President Arthur St. Clair. They also received a report concerning negotiations with Spain.

July 5, 1787 – Thursday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Congress quickly reverted to its earlier issues, failing to maintain quorum the day after Independence Day.

July 10, 1787 – Tuesday – Receives Report on Western Lands

  • A report was received on the sale of western lands to various land companies, an important issue for the expansion and financial stability of the fledgling United States.

July 11, 1787 – Wednesday – Reads the Northwest Ordinance

  • Congress read the Northwest Ordinance, which laid out the process for governing the Northwest Territory. This document would prove to be one of the most significant pieces of legislation passed under the Articles of Confederation. Congress also received reports on the issuance of indents for Continental quotas and on hostilities with Native American tribes.

July 13, 1787 – Friday – Adopts the Northwest Ordinance

  • Congress officially adopted the Northwest Ordinance, which provided a framework for the governance and eventual statehood of territories in the Northwest. This ordinance prohibited slavery in the new territories and set a precedent for westward expansion. It remains one of the most significant achievements of Congress under the Articles of Confederation.

July 14, 1787 – Saturday – Orders Report on 1787 Requisition

  • Congress requested a report on the 1787 requisition, which was the mechanism for collecting funds from the states to support the national government.

July 18, 1787 – Wednesday – Ratifies Commercial Treaty with Morocco

  • A commercial treaty with Morocco was ratified, expanding U.S. trade relationships with foreign nations. Congress also received a report concerning land claims made by southern Native American tribes.

July 19-21, 1787 – Thursday-Saturday – Debates Indian Pacification

  • Congress spent several days debating measures to pacify Native American tribes in the southern and western regions of the United States, as hostilities with Indigenous peoples remained a pressing concern for national security and western expansion.

July 20, 1787 – Friday – Instructions for John Adams

  • John Adams, the U.S. minister to Britain, was instructed to engage in a convention with Britain regarding violations of the treaty of peace that ended the Revolutionary War. These violations, particularly regarding British occupation of western forts, had continued to strain relations between the two nations.

July 23, 1787 – Monday – Approves Commercial Agents to Morocco

  • Congress approved the appointments of commercial agents to Morocco, further solidifying trade relations with the North African state.

July 25, 1787 – Wednesday – Debates Pacification of Western Indians

  • Congress debated further measures for the pacification of Native American tribes in the western territories, recognizing that peace with Indigenous peoples was essential for the nation's westward expansion and security.

July 26, 1787 – Thursday – Postal Contracts and Foreign Loans

  • Congress authorized the Post Office to sign new postal contracts and received a report on foreign loans, indicating ongoing efforts to stabilize the nation’s finances and improve communication infrastructure.

July 27, 1787 – Friday – Confederacy Against Barbary States

  • Congress ordered a report on forming "a Confederacy with the powers of Europe" to combat the threat posed by the Barbary States, who were notorious for their piracy and attacks on American shipping in the Mediterranean. They also instructed Thomas Jefferson on the consular convention with France.

August 1787

August 3, 1787 – Friday – Debates Southern Indian Affairs

  • Congress continued to debate matters related to southern Native American tribes, focusing on how to establish peaceful relations and prevent further conflict.

August 6-8, 1787 – Monday-Wednesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Congress again struggled to maintain quorum, halting progress on important matters.

August 9, 1787 – Thursday – South Carolina Land Cession

  • Congress accepted South Carolina’s cession of land to the federal government, which was crucial for the organization and eventual sale of western lands. A report on northern Native American affairs was also received.

August 10-31, 1787 – Friday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • For the remainder of August, Congress again failed to achieve quorum, stalling progress on numerous legislative issues.

September 1787

September 3-19, 1787 – Monday-Wednesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Continuing from August, Congress remained unable to achieve quorum for much of September, delaying any formal actions.

September 20, 1787 – Thursday – Receives Report of Philadelphia Constitutional Convention

  • Congress received the final report from the Philadelphia Convention, which had drafted the new U.S. Constitution. This marked the beginning of the formal process of submitting the Constitution to the states for ratification.

September 21, 1787 – Friday – Reelects Treasury Commissioners

  • Congress reelected Arthur Lee, Walter Livingston, and Samuel Osgood as treasury commissioners, a sign of continuity in the federal government’s financial oversight. They also reduced the civil list, cutting government expenditures.

September 24, 1787 – Monday – Accepts John Adams' Retirement

  • Congress accepted the impending retirement of John Adams as U.S. minister to Britain, effective after February 24, 1788. They also received a report on protests from the Netherlands regarding U.S. diplomatic actions.

September 26-27, 1787 – Wednesday-Thursday – Debates Constitution

  • Congress began formal debates on the Constitution submitted by the Philadelphia Convention, signaling the start of the ratification process.
  • The delegates were now faced with the prospect of either discarding, revising or sending the new constitution with no changes to the States for ratification. Critics of the Constitution wanted it transmitted to the state legislatures with an indication that the Convention had violated Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation and the congressional resolution of 21 February 1787.    

·       Supporters of the “Plan of The New Federal Government,”[i] such as Rufus King, James Madison, and Nathaniel Gorham, contended that Congress should approve the Constitution without alterations before submitting it to the state legislatures. They also recommended that the legislatures convene special conventions specifically to review and deliberate on the Constitution.

  • Richard Henry Lee proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution, on September 27, 1787, which were aimed to address concerns regarding individual liberties and the distribution of governmental power. He emphasized that the Constitution should include a Bill of Rights, explicitly safeguarding essential freedoms and ensuring a fair administration of justice.

·       Congress refused to debate the substance of Lee’s amendments and rejected his proposal. Nor were Lee’s motion and amendments even recorded in the Journals.

September 28, 1787 – Friday – Submits Constitution to the States

·       On the 28th of September Congress reached a unanimous compromise.  The resolution, strongly shaped by George Washington's influence and preferences, fully adhered to the Convention's recommendation and was recorded in the Journals as follows:

·       “Congress having received the report of the Convention lately assembled in Philadelphia: Resolved Unanimously that the said Report with the resolutions and letter accompanying the same be transmitted to the several legislatures in Order to be submitted to a convention of Delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof in conformity to the resolves of the Convention made and provided in that case.”

September 29, 1787 – Saturday – Report on John Paul Jones' Prize Money

  • Congress received a report on prize money earned by John Paul Jones, the famous naval commander, for his victories during the Revolutionary War. They also reviewed the requisition for 1787, continuing efforts to finance the government.

October 1787

October 2, 1787 – Tuesday – Report on Foreign Debt

  • Congress received a report detailing the status of the foreign debt owed by the United States, a pressing issue that continued to burden the nation’s finances.

October 3, 1787 – Wednesday – Civil List and Military for Northwest Territory

  • Congress set the civil list and the military establishment for the newly organized Northwest Territory, ensuring that the region would have the necessary governance and defense.

October 5, 1787 – Friday – Arthur St. Clair Elected Governor of Northwest Territory

  • Arthur St. Clair was elected governor of the Northwest Territory, while Winthrop Sargent was appointed as secretary. Congress also resolved to hold a treaty with the western Native American tribes to secure peace and stability in the region.

October 8, 1787 – Monday – Massachusetts-New York Land Dispute

  • Congress terminated federal proceedings in the Massachusetts-New York land dispute, ending an ongoing conflict between the two states over territorial claims.

October 11, 1787 – Thursday – Dutch Loan and John Paul Jones

  • Congress ratified John Adams' contract for a Dutch loan and authorized the use of indents for loan office interest in payment of Continental quotas. They also directed the payment of prize money received by John Paul Jones.

October 12, 1787 – Friday – Ransom of Captives at Algiers

  • Congress authorized the payment of ransom for American captives held by Barbary pirates in Algiers, reflecting ongoing challenges with the Barbary States. Thomas Jefferson was reelected as minister to France.

October 13, 1787 – Saturday – Arrest of Lt. John Sullivan

  • Congress ordered the arrest of Lt. John Sullivan for actions that jeopardized U.S. relations with Spain. They also debated Virginia's infringement of U.S. treaty obligations.

October 15, 1787 – Monday – Postal Contracts

  • Postal contracts were authorized, ensuring continued communication infrastructure across the new nation.

October 16, 1787 – Tuesday – Northwest Territory Judges

  • John Armstrong, Jr., Samuel Holden Parsons, and James Mitchell Varnum were elected as judges of the Northwest Territory. Congress also commended John Paul Jones for his naval service.

October 17, 1787 – Wednesday – Sale of Carlisle Barracks

  • Congress authorized the sale of the Carlisle barracks, a military facility, to raise funds.

October 18-19, 1787 – Thursday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Once again, quorum issues halted Congress’s progress.

October 20, 1787 – Saturday – North Carolina and Georgia Land Cessions

  • Congress issued appeals for North Carolina and Georgia to cede western lands to the federal government. They also reduced postal rates to facilitate communication.

October 21, 1787 – Sunday – Ohio Company Land Purchase

  • Congress authorized the sale of one million acres of land to the Ohio Company, which was a key step in encouraging settlement of the Northwest Territory.

October 22, 1787 – Monday – Military Bounty Lands

  • Congress set aside lands for military bounties, providing land grants to soldiers in return for their service.

October 26, 1787 – Friday – Indian Treaty Negotiations

  • Congress adopted instructions for holding negotiations with western Native American tribes, as the need for peaceful relations remained a priority.

October 29-31, 1787 – Monday-Wednesday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Quorum issues again plagued Congress, preventing further legislative action.

November 1-2, 1787 – Thursday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • Congress continued to struggle to convene a quorum.

November 5, 1787 – Monday – New Congress Assembles

  • A new Congress assembled, with only five delegates from two states represented. This new session failed to achieve quorum to convene as required by the Articles of Confederation.

November 6-30, 1787 – Tuesday-Friday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

  • For the remainder of November, Congress was unable to achieve quorum, effectively stalling government operations.

December 3-31, 1787 – Monday-Monday – Fails to Achieve Quorum

·      Congress failed to achieve quorum throughout December, marking the end of a challenging year in which quorum issues consistently hampered legislative progress.

·      December 7, 1787, Delaware ratifies the Constitution of 1787

·      December 12, 1787, Pennsylvania ratifies the Constitution of 1787

·      December 18, 1787, New Jersey ratifies the Constitution of 1787

Arthur St. Clair would serve his country as the "colonial" governor for 14 years amidst controversy and the disgrace of losing more men in a battle against Native Americans than George Custer lost at Little Big Horn.
In 1789, President George Washington asked Governor St. Clair to determine whether the Native Americans living along the Wabash River and Illinois River were inclined for war or peace with the United States. St. Clair reported that the tribes wanted war, and called for militia forces to be assembled at Fort Washington (now Cincinnati, Ohio) and Vincennes, Indiana. President Washington and Secretary of War Henry Knox ordered General Harmar to lead these forces on a punitive expedition into the Shawnee and Miami lands as retaliation for settler's killings. The Harmar Campaign attempted to subdue Native Americans and featured a series of battles that were all overwhelming victories for the Native Americans.

President George Washington, frustrated with Hamar's losses,  ordered General Arthur St. Clair, who served both as governor of the Northwest Territory and as a major general in the Army, to mount a  vigorous effort by Summer 1791. Congress agreed to raise a second regiment of Regular soldiers for six months.  The Army under St. Clair included 600 regulars, 800 six-month conscripts and 600 militia at its peak, for a total of around 2,000 men. Desertion took its toll and when the force finally got underway, it had dwindled to around 1,486 total men and some 200-250 camp followers (wives, children, laundresses and prostitutes). Going was slow and discipline problems were severe; St. Clair, suffering from gout, had difficulty maintaining order, especially among the militia and the new levies. The force was constantly shadowed by Indians and skirmishes occasionally erupted.

 By the end of November 2, through desertion and illness, St. Clair's force had been whittled down to around 1,120, including the camp followers. He had 52 officers and 868 enlisted and militia present for duty on November 3. The force camped on an elevated meadow, but did not construct any defensive works, even though Indians had been seen in the forest. While St. Clair's Army continued to lose soldiers, the Western Confederacy quickly added numbers. Buckongahelas led his 480 men to join the 700 warriors of Little Turtle and Blue Jacket, bringing the war party to more than one thousand warriors, including a large number of Potawatomis from eastern Michigan and the Saint Joseph. 

The Battle of the Wabash was fought on November 4, 1791 in the Northwest Territory between the United States and the Western Confederacy of American Indians, as part of the Northwest Indian War. The American Native Americans were led by Little Turtle of the Miamis, Blue Jacket of the Shawnees and Buckongahelas of the Delawares. The war party numbered more than one thousand warriors, including a large number of Potawatomis from eastern Michigan and the Saint Joseph. The opposing force of about 1,000 Americans was led by General Arthur St. Clair. The American Indian confederacy was overwhelmingly victorious. In proportional terms of losses to strength, it was the worst defeat that United States forces have ever suffered in battle. In January 1792, St. Clair arrived in Philadelphia, the nation's capital,  to report on his defeat and blamed the quartermaster as well as the War Department. St. Clair requested a court-martial in order to gain exoneration palling to resign his commission after winning it. Washington, however, denied him the court-martial and forced St. Clair's immediate resignation. The House of Representatives, meanwhile, began its own investigation into the disaster. This was the first investigation that Congress had ever undertaken, as well as the first investigation of the executive branch and as part of the proceedings.  

The final committee report sided largely with St. Clair, finding that Knox, Quartermaster General Samuel Hodgdon and other War Department officials had done a poor job of raising, equipping and supplying St. Clair's expedition. Congress voted against a motion to consider the Committee's findings and consequently issued no final report officially clearing General St. Clair. In March 1792, Congress voted to raise additional Army regiments to conquer the Northwest Territory. In May, it passed the Militia Acts of 1792, which set national militia standards and empowered the president to call up the militia. President Washington  utilized this authority in the 1794 to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. Also in 1794, a new U.S. force, the Legion of the United States under Major General "Mad Anthony" Wayne, built Fort Recovery at the location of St. Clair's Defeat and defended it from an attack. Following the Legion's victory in the August 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers, the 1795 Treaty of Greenville brought an end to the Northwest Indian War allowing Governor St. Clair to focus on settlement of the vast territory.  

By 1801, St. Clair would be the last federalist to wield any real power at the turn of the 19th Century.  In his arrogance, St. Clair would challenge Ohio Territorial Republicans and the newly elected President, fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson on statehood.  It was Delegate Jefferson, whose committee in 1784 wrote the original ordinance for the vast territory proposing a mechanism for new States.   President Jefferson would disregard Governor St. Clair's protest letters and heartedly back fellow Virginians Thomas Worthington, Edward Tiffin and Charles Byrd who were political enemies of the Governor.  Dr. Kevin Patrick Kopper writes in "Arthur St. Clair And The Struggle For Power In The Old Northwest, 1763 -1803 :"
St. Clair addressed the constitutional convention on November 3, 1802, with an impassioned speech that assailed his enemies and the Republican Party. He spoke as a concerned citizen, not in an official capacity. Acting like a father betrayed by his son, he used a paternalistic tone and discussed his contributions to the territory, outlining what he had accomplished in fourteen years with “parental affection.” He attacked the rise of partisanship and the emergence of the Republican Party: “That baneful spirit destroyed all the ancient republics, and the United States seems to be running the same career that ruined them.” Recognizing that he was isolated politically and that he had no power to influence the initiatives at the convention, the governor gave the convention unsolicited advice. 
He questioned the authority of the United States Congress and the authenticity of the Enabling Act, claiming that his administration was responsible for the internal affairs of the territory and accusing the nation’s legislature of overstepping his power. St. Clair questioned the actions of the government and compared the situation of the territory to statehood efforts in Vermont and Tennessee: “It was, I think, eight years after the people of Vermont had formed their government, and exercised all the powers of an independent State, before it was admitted to the Union.” Congress should be brought to reason for usurping the power of the territorial government, and the Enabling Act should be rejected, he argued. His remarks bordered on treason and gave federal officials a reason to remove him from his post. 
An observer commented, “Poor old man he has ruined himself—He has found true what you [Massie]  properly observed at the convention—‘ Give him rope and he will hang himself.” The governor’s detractors hoped that he would behave in a fashion that supported their argument to remove him, and he did. The legislators assembled at the convention refused to respond to St. Clair’s outrageous comments. Instead, members of the convention voted to end the second grade of government in order to start proceedings to bring about statehood.  Further, members passed a resolution that terminated the governorship. The measure was the ultimate defeat of the governor. An observer commented, “The poor old man has made his last speech.”  
On December 8, 1802, St. Clair issued his last address to the people of the Northwest Territory, thanking the citizens for their support and formally announcing that he would not seek the governorship of the new state of Ohio. Reflecting on his many years in office, he wrote, “The care of this colony of the United States was committed to me from its first institution, and it was my ambition, and has been my chief study, to render it flourishing, and to bring it to the point when it might . . . cease to be a colony and become an independent state.”  
The governor had accomplished that goal and was satisfied with the job that he had performed. He reminded the residents that it was entrusted to him to manage the region from a state of infancy to a mature settlement and it was necessary for him to be vested with considerable power. Administration of the territory fell on the shoulders of the “old tyrant” for nearly fifteen years, and during this time, he neglected his personal affairs. The Ligonier estate awaited the former governor, and he looked forward to tending to these matters. 
Shortly after the governor’s speech, word of his allegations against the federal government reached Washington. The governor’s comments were treasonous to many, and his actions at the convention gave the federal officials ample reason to end his tenure.
In a sad end to St. Clair’s service, President Thomas Jefferson dismissed the Governor by a letter, dated November 22, 1802, written by Secretary of State, James Madison:
The President observing, in an address lately delivered by you to the convention held at Chillicothe, an intemperance and indecorum of language toward the Legislature of the United States, and a disorganizing spirit and tendency of very evil example, and grossly violating the rules of conduct enjoined by your public station, determine that your commission of Governor of the Northwestern Territory shall cease on the receipt of this notification. [69]

Madison, adding insult to injury sent the termination letter not directly to the governor but to Charles Byrd. It therefore was St. Clair’s rival that handed him the termination notice, demonstrating a lack of respect characteristic  that President Jefferson often exhibited against  political opponents no matter how noble their past services had been for their country.

The father of Ohio's first State Constitution, Judge Jacob Burnet, reflected on the governor’s administration of the territory:
St. Clair was a man of superior talents—of extensive information, and of great uprightness of purpose. The course he pursued, though destructive of his own popularity, was the result of an honest exercise of his judgment—he not only believed, that the power he claimed, belonged legitimately to the executive but was convinced, that the manner in which he exercised it, was calculated to advance the best interest of the territory.  
On February 19, 1803, the Republican United States Congress approved Ohio's constitution and admitted Ohio as the 17th state. St. Clair's bitter opposition to the Republicans culminated with Thomas Worthington being hailed as the hero of the Ohio Constitutional Convention and usurped forever the moniker: "The Father of Ohio's Statehood" from the General.  Arthur St. Clair returned to his farm in Western Pennsylvania and resided there for 15 years with his wife Phoebe as a private citizen.
St. Clair’s biographer wrote that in August, 1818:

… the venerable patriot, in his eighty- fourth year, undertook to go to Youngstown, three miles distant, for flour and other necessaries. He bade good-bye to his Louisa and started off with his pony and wagon, in good spirits. The authorities had changed the Stage road so that it passed along the Loyalhauna Creek, several miles north of the St. Clair residence, and the route to Youngstown was rough and dangerous. Pony and wagon moved safely along until within a mile of the village, when a wheel falling into a rut, the wagon was upset, and the aged General thrown with great force upon the rocky road. In the course of the day he was discovered lying where he had fallen, insensible, and the pony standing quietly at a short distance, awaiting the command of his old master — faithful to the last. He was carried tenderly back to the house, but neither medical skill nor the tender care of loved ones could restore him, and, on the thirty-first, Death came with his blessed message of peace forevermore.

On a neat sand-stone monument, erected by the Masonic Society, in the cemetery of Greensburg, is this inscription: The Earthly Remains Of Major-General Arthur St. Clair Are Deposited Beneath This Humble Monument, Which Is Erected To Supply The Place Of A Nobler One Due From His Country.[70]

 No President or United States legislator before or since Arthur St. Clair has ever presided over  more important acts than the combination of "An Ordinance for the government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio" and the 1787 Constitution of the United States of America.   He is buried in the Old St. Clair Cemetery in Greensburg, Pennsylvania with a 1913 monument stating: The earthly remains of Arthur St. Clair are deposited beneath this humble monument which is erected to supply the place of a nobler one due from his country.”

Arthur St. Clair, Autograph Letter Signed dated March 4th, 1813 two sided thanking several women for sending him money in his poverty while reminding his benefactors that he "... made the people happy and laid a foundation for the continuance of the happinefs to millions yet unknown..." In part he states:

"... My Heart Is not yet so cold as to be insensible to female Praife (Praise) --- it conveyed a Balm to my wounded spirit. Wounded not by the loss of fortune and the need of pecuniary aid, but by confine obloquy and contumely whom I thought (and now since I have their approbation I say it boldly), I thought that I had least merited thanks, for to say nothing of my military services which they have so kindly eulogized. I had, in a great meafsive (massive) therefore at my own expense, raised up for the United States in fifteen years a colony from thirty men to upwards of sixty thousand ­-- amalgamation the most heterogeneous mafs -- Mafs of population --- carried Laws, Religion, Mounts and Manner to the extreme limits of New Territory --- made the people happy and laid a foundation for the continuance of the happinefs to millions yet unknown and in which every faculty of mind and Body has been overwhelmingly employed. ... "

Several months later the legislature of Pennsylvania finally granted St. Clair an annuity of $8400, and shortly before his death he received from congress $2,000 in discharge of his claims, and a pension of $60 a month. 

“The Hermitage”, Arthur St. Clair’s Ligonier Valley estate. The property was situated about two miles north of Ligonier Borough and was described on the 1798 Direct Tax List as “1 story dwelling house 90′ by 18, wood, 14 windows, 16′ square kitchen, 1 shingled roof barn, 1 grist mill with 2 pair stones, 1 saw mill”. An iron furnace was added in the early 1800’s. The parlor is of log construction; the logs were apparently always covered by siding.  Today, the parlor is the only room remaining from the Hermitage. 

[1] St. Clair Arthur and Smith Henry, The St. Clair Papers: The Life and Public Services of Arthur St. Clair, Robert Clark and Company 1881, Page 4
[2] Peter Force, American Archives Series 4, Volume 1, Page 0255, Answer of Governor Penn, to the Earl of Dunmore. Review of the respective claims of Pennsylvania and Virginia, in regard to the disputed Boundary. Claims Pittsburgh to be within the Charter limits of Pennsylvania -- justifies the conduct of Mr. St. Clair, in imprisoning Connolly. [1774-03-31] Pennsylvania Council. [S4-V1-p0255]
[3] John Frost, Pictorial history of America from the earliest times to the close,  J.B. Smith, 1853, page 45
[4] David Ramsay, The History of the American Revolution - Volume 1, James J. Wilson, Trenton, N.J.,  1811,  Page 398
[5] Ibid, Volume II, page 137.
[6] Ibid, page 140
[7] Americana, American historical magazine, Volume 12,  National American Society, New York, 1918, page 349
[8] William Henry Smith, The St. Clair papers: the life and public services of Arthur St. Clair  1882, Page 457
[9] Americana, American historical magazine, Volume 12,  National American Society, New York, 1918, page
[10] Journals of the Continental Congress, September 19, 1781
[11] William Henry Smith, The St. Clair papers: the life and public services of Arthur St. Clair  1882, Page 112
[12] Ibid
[13] Ibid, page 114
[14] Journals of the United States in Congress Assembled Saturday, June 21, 1783
[15] Smith, Paul H., et al., eds. Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. Elias Boudinot to Elisha Boudinot June 23, 1783, 25 volumes, Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1976-2000)
[16] Journals of USCA, July 1, 1783
[17] Letters of the Delegates,  Boudinot to Washington July 3, 1783
[18] Letters of Washington, General Orders, July 7, 1783
[19] Boudinot, Elias, Original Manuscript, Klos Western Collection, July 9, 1783
[20] The St. Clair papers, Volume I,  page 115
[21] William Shepard to Henry Knox, Autograph Letter Signed, January 12, 1787, Historic Deerfield Library, Deerfield, MA
[22] Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2 and according to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow then spring will come early. If it is sunny, the groundhog will see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.
[23] Journals of the USCA, February 14, 1787
[24] Letters of the Delegates, James Madison's Notes of Debates, February 21, 1787.
[25] Ibid, February 21, 1787
[26] Letters of Delegates to Congress, President Arthur St. Clair’s Speech on the floor of the USCA, March 13, 1787.
[27] Journals of the USCA, March 19, 1787.
[28] Letters of Delegates to Congress, Arthur St Clair to John Nicholson, March 19, 1787
[29] St. Clair, Arthur, The New Annual Register or General Repository of History Politics and Literature for the Year 1787,  G.G.J. & J. Robinson, London, 1788  April 13th, 1787, Circular Letter to the 13 States.
[30] Journals of the USCA, April 21, 1787.
[31] Journals of the USCA, April 21, 1787
[32] Acting under the authority of the French colony of Louisiana, François-Marie Bissot, Sieur de Vincennes constructed a fort  to secure the lower Wabash Valley for France in 1732.
[33] Journals of the USCA, April 24, 1787
[34] Letters of Delegates to Congress, Arthur St Clair to Charles Thomson, May 18, 1787.
[35] William Grayson (1740 – March 12, 1790) was a soldier, lawyer, and statesman from Virginia. He was a member of the USCA 1785-1786.  He was delegate to the Virginia Convention for the adoption of the second US Constitution, which he opposed.  He was one of the first two U.S. Senators from Virginia, and belonged to the Anti-Federalist faction.

[36] Ibid, March 28, 1787
[37] William Duer (March 18, 1743– May 7, 1799) was a British-born lawyer, developer, Continental Congress Delegate  1777 - 1778, signer of the Articles of Confederation and NYC land speculator. He wrote in support of ratifying the second United States Constitution as "Philo-Publius."
[38] Nathan Dane (December 29, 1752 – February 15, 1835) was an American lawyer & Massachusetts USCA Delegate from 1785 through 1788. He played a major role in formulating the Northwest Ordinance and introduced its amendment to prohibit slavery.
[39] Manasseh Cutler (May 13, 1742 – July 28, 1823) was an American clergyman, a member of the Ohio Company, member of the United States House of Representatives and a founder of Ohio University. Cutler took a leading part in drafting the Ordinance of 1787 for the government of the Northwest Territory, which was finally presented to the USCA by Massachusetts delegate Nathan Dane.
[40] Edward Carrington (February 11, 1748 – October 28, 1810) was a Revolutionary War Lieutenant Colonel, Nathanael Greene’s Southern campaign Quartermaster, artillery commander at the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill and the siege of Yorktown.  He was also a USCA Virginia Delegate 1786 to 1788, first U.S. Marshal for Virginia, mayor of Richmond, and Aaron Burr treason trial jury foreman.  
[41] John Kean (1756 – May 4, 1795) was an American merchant and a USCA South Carolina delegate 1785 - 1787.
[42] Melancton Smith (May 7, 1744 – July 29, 1798) was a Merchant, Revolutionary War major in a NY militia, Founder of the New York Manumission Society, and USCA New York Delegate 1775-1787.  He was the most important Anti-federalist member of the State ratification convention at Poughkeepsie in 1788 because he broke ranks against Governor Clinton forces resulting the NY's ratification.
[43] Bancroft, George, History of the United States of America: from the discovery of the Continent to 1789,  Volume 6 Appleton, 1896,  page 287-289
[44] Ibid, July 13, 1787
[45] St. Clair Arthur and Smith Henry, The St. Clair Papers: The Life and Public Services of Arthur St. Clair, Robert Clark and Company 1881, page 128
[46] Letters of Delegates to Congress, Nathan Dane to Rufus King, July 13, 1787.
[47] Neu, Irene D., Background of the Ohio Company of Associates, Manuscripts and Documents of the Ohio Company of Associates, Special Collection, Marietta College Library.
[48] Librarian of Congress, The Works of Charles Sumner, Lee and Shepard: 1877 Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1877, page 416
[49] Journals of the United States in Congress Assembled, July 13, 1787,An Ordinance for the government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio
[50] Ibid
[51] Ibid
[52] Jefferson, Thomas (1802-01-01). "Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists". U.S. Library of Congress.  
[53] Journals of the United States in Congress Assembled, July – August 1787.
[54] The New Jersey  Plan was the developed by the small States and named after N.J. Delegate William Paterson who presented it on the convention floor.
[55] Farrand, Max, The records of the Federal convention of 1787, Volume 1 By United States. Constitutional Convention,  Yale University Press, 1911 page 444
[56] Washington, George, Plan of the New Federal Government, Printed by Robert Smith, Philadelphia: 1787, Original Document, Stan Klos Collection.
[57] JCC, 1774-1789, ed. Worthington C. Ford et al , November 15, 1777 , the Articles of Confederation
[58] Smith, Paul H., et al., eds. Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. 25 volumes, Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1976-2000). Melancton Smith's Notes of Debates
[59] Ibid
[60] Ibid
[61] Ibid
[62] Ibid
[63] Journals of the USCA, September 28, 1787
[64] Ibid, James Madison to George Washington, September 30, 1787.
[65] Letters of Delegates, Richard Henry Lee to George Mason, October 1, 1787
[66] Letters of Delegates, Richard Henry Lee to Samuel Adams, October 5, 1787
[67] Journals of the USCA, October 5, 1787
[68] Letters of Delegates, Richard Henry Lee to George Washington, October 11, 1787
[69] St. Clair Arthur and Smith Henry, The St. Clair Papers: The Life and Public Services of Arthur St. Clair, Robert Clark and Company 1881, page 244-247.
[70] Ibid, page 254

The Congressional Evolution of the United States of America 

For students and teachers of U.S. history, this video features Stanley and Christopher Klos presenting America's Four United Republics Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. Filmed in December 2015, this video is an informal recording by an audience member capturing a presentation attended by approximately 200 students, professors, and guests. To explore the full curriculum, [download it here]. 

Continental Congress of the United Colonies Presidents 
Sept. 5, 1774 to July 1, 1776

September 5, 1774
October 22, 1774
October 22, 1774
October 26, 1774
May 20, 1775
May 24, 1775
May 25, 1775
July 1, 1776

Commander-in-Chief United Colonies & States of America
George Washington: June 15, 1775 - July 1, 1776

Continental Congress of the United States Presidents 
July 2, 1776 to February 28, 1781

July 2, 1776
October 29, 1777
November 1, 1777
December 9, 1778
December 10, 1778
September 28, 1779
September 29, 1779
February 28, 1781

Commander-in-Chief United States of America
George Washington: July 2, 1776 - February 28, 1781

Presidents of the United States in Congress Assembled
March 1, 1781 to March 3, 1789

March 1, 1781
July 6, 1781
July 10, 1781
Declined Office
July 10, 1781
November 4, 1781
November 5, 1781
November 3, 1782
November 4, 1782
November 2, 1783
November 3, 1783
June 3, 1784
November 30, 1784
November 22, 1785
November 23, 1785
June 5, 1786
June 6, 1786
February 1, 1787
February 2, 1787
January 21, 1788
January 22, 1788
January 21, 1789

Commander-in-Chief United States of America
George Washington: March 2, 1781 - December 23, 1783

Articles of Confederation Congress
United States in Congress Assembled (USCA) Sessions

Session Dates
USCA Convene Date
03-01-1781 to 11-04-1781*
11-05-1781 to 11-03-1782
11-04-1782 to 11-02-1783
11-03-1783 to 10-31-1784
11-01-1784 to 11-06-1785
11-07-1785 to 11-05-1786
11-06-1786 to 11-04-1787
11-05-1787 to 11-02-1788
11-03-1788 to 03-03-1789**

* The Articles of Confederation was ratified by the mandated 13th State on February 2, 1781, and the dated adopted by the Continental Congress to commence the new  United States in Congress Assembled government was March 1, 1781.  The USCA convened under the Articles of Confederation Constitution on March 2, 1781.  

** On September 14, 1788, the Eighth United States in Congress Assembled resolved that March 4th, 1789, would be commencement date of the Constitution of 1787's federal government thus dissolving the USCA on March 3rd, 1789.

Presidents of the United States of America
1789 - Present


United Colonies and States First Ladies
1774 - Present


Capitals of the United Colonies and States of America

Sept. 5, 1774 to Oct. 24, 1774
May 10, 1775 to Dec. 12, 1776
Dec. 20, 1776 to Feb. 27, 1777
March 4, 1777 to Sept. 18, 1777
September 27, 1777
Sept. 30, 1777 to June 27, 1778
July 2, 1778 to June 21, 1783
June 30, 1783 to Nov. 4, 1783
Nov. 26, 1783 to Aug. 19, 1784
Nov. 1, 1784 to Dec. 24, 1784
New York City
Jan. 11, 1785 to Nov. 13, 1788
New York City
October 6, 1788 to March 3,1789
New York City
March 3,1789 to August 12, 1790
Dec. 6,1790 to May 14, 1800       
Washington DC
November 17,1800 to Present

Chart Comparing Presidential Powers Click Here

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